Lennon Pearson honored with TBR Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans

Lennon Pearson accepts the Chancellor’s Challenge Coin from President Tracy D. Hall.
Lennon Pearson accepts the Chancellor’s Challenge
Coin from President Tracy D. Hall.

Congratulations to Lennon Pearson, this year’s recipient of the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans.  

Pearson is the manager of Client Services for the IT Department at Southwest. He served three years as a Personnel Specialist in the United States military stationed at Fort Jackson (South Carolina), Fort Polk (Louisiana) and abroad in Germany.

The Chancellor’s Commendation is conferred in the form of a specially commissioned Challenge Coin featuring symbols of the military branches on one side and the Chancellor’s Commendation designation on the other. Challenge coins have a long tradition in all military branches. The coins are awarded by commanders and signify special achievement, excellence, hard work, and respect.

TBR Chancellor Flora W. Tydings launched the Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans four years ago to honor Tennessee’s community and technical college veterans for their years of service. 

“Our college communities are strengthened by the presence on campus of veterans and active-duty personnel – as students, faculty, staff and alumni,” Tydings said. “They and the experiences and perspectives they bring are an important part of the broad diversity of people and backgrounds on our campuses that benefits everyone.

“We are committed to serving them as they served our country. It’s a privilege to honor them, not only on Veterans Day but all year,” the chancellor said. “I thank our presidents, our faculty and our entire campus communities for their work in ensuring that veterans are served and welcomed.”  

Pearson is one of 37 veterans who were honored across Tennessee. The 37 Chancellor’s Commendation honorees for 2023 include 17 students, 11 faculty members, 8 college staff members, and 1 alumnus who all served in the military. Of this year’s honorees, 11 served in the Navy, 10 in the Army, 8 in the Marine Corps, 5 in the Air Force, and 3 in the National Guard.  

Southwest Tennessee Community College President Tracy D. Hall shared remarks about Pearson during the commendation ceremony on Nov.9.

“To do what others want requires a high level of dedication, commitment, and sacrifice. It demands a willingness to put others’ needs before one’s own, and to work tirelessly to achieve the end goal. It requires a deep sense of responsibility for society and a strong moral compass,” said Hall. “Our 2023 nominee for the chancellor’s commendation for military veterans exemplifies these qualities. He’s a skilled, well-informed man with integrity, with a heart for Southwest students, faculty, staff and his family.” 

Congratulations, Lennon!