Chef Leake dishes out favorite eats on News Channel 3
By Diana Fedinec
Looking for easy and delicious recipes, but not sure where to start? Southwest’s culinary
and hospitality management instructor Chef Steven Leake will have you craving and
creating unique dinners and desserts in no time. Just watch his monthly cooking segments
the second Thursday of the month, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m., on Memphis’ No. 1 morning show,
WREG TV’s Live@9, and you may become the next Julia Childs!
Each month Chef Leake cooks up his favorite eats, from Chicken Marsala to Lentil Walnut Taco Meat for Vegan Tacos. Though his creations may sound complicated, Leake makes a point of preparing dishes that are simple to make - and folds in his teaching wisdom for extra flavor!
Chef’s live, in-studio culinary adventures with News Channel 3 began in January 2019. When the Coronavirus pandemic hit, and guests were not allowed in the television studio, the show reverted to live demonstrations filmed inside Southwest’s Culinary Institute.
Chef Leake is an award-winning chef and well-known ice sculptor with his own business, Premier Ice Sculptures. In 2020, he received the American Association of Community Colleges’ Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty award for his teaching excellence, exceptional leadership of Southwest’s culinary arts program and dedication to the success of his students. Watch Chef live on WREG-TV each the second Thursday of each month or anytime on Southwest’s Facebook feed, @SouthwestTN.
WREG-TV’s Chris Henning films Chef Steven Leak preparing Blackberry Watermelon Gastrique
during a virtual segment of Live@9 at Southwest’s Culinary Institute.
Bon appetite, everyone!
In This Issue...
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- Chef Leake dishes out favorite eats on News Channel 3
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