Q & A with Admissions Recruiter Elizabeth Clark

By Chris Caldwell 

Southwest Admissions Recruiter Elizabeth Clark (User Submitted)Elizabeth Clark is a former student at Southwest. She currently serves as an admissions recruiter for the college. 

When did you graduate? 
I graduated from Southwest in May 2021 with an A.A. in general studies.

Why did you choose Southwest over all the other institutions in the Memphis area?
I chose Southwest because of the Tennessee Reconnect program. I took an extended break between finishing high school and starting my college career. Southwest offered me tons of resources as an adult learner.

What drove you to get up each day to go to school to earn your degree?
I was getting tired of working jobs in the service industry. Also, I have my daughter, who I want to be a role model for, and I don't want her to think of me as a "quitter." I learned that school was less complicated than I thought it would be if you do the work, show up to class, and have a planner to keep you on track - all those things can make a difference in accomplishing your goals.

What is your current position at Southwest? What made you apply to Southwest?
I am currently an admissions recruiter for the Office of Admissions and Recruitment. I applied for this position because I worked for the office as a work-study student, orientation leader, and student ambassador. I fell in love with student affairs and what our division does for the students. Knowing the ins and outs of the department as a student made me a great candidate for the position.

Do you have any fond memories as a former student you'd like to share?
When I was on the Student Government Association board, I got to meet Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett. He came to the Whitehaven Center, toured the vaccination site, met with me and a few other students, and discussed hurdles as an adult learner experiencing a pandemic.

What person, course, or experience most influenced you while at Southwest? How?
There are honestly too many people to mention. I had a wonderful experience here as a student. I was able to get involved in various clubs, honor societies and have a job on campus. If I had to choose one course, I would have to choose ACAD. After being out of high school for several years, I learned many helpful tips in that class. My best experience at the college was running as a vice president for the Student Government Association (SGA). The year I was in SGA was virtual due to the pandemic. I had a great time with my peers; we accomplished much as an association. Our voter drive and annual angel tree campaign were highly successful. 

What has your time in the "real world" taught you regarding your career?
I've had the pleasure of working full-time here for almost two years, and the biggest lesson I have learned is to remain flexible and open-minded. You can learn a lot from others, and that has been very helpful to me. 

What life lessons would you like to share with the students here?
Take the chance. Do something out of your comfort zone. You never know what opportunities wait for you. Networking is so important - you never know who might be in class with you that will become an essential person in your life.

You have an associate's degree from Southwest and are currently getting a degree from the University of Memphis; where do you see yourself in the next five years? Also, what degree are you earning from UofM?
I am working on a Bachelor's in professional studies and organizational leadership. I am taking classes part-time so that I will be there for a few semesters, but my five-year goal is to be director of admissions with a long-term goal of being vice president of student affairs at a college or university.