President Tracy D. Hall named a top 100 Leader in the Memphis community

By Diana Fedinec

Dr. Tracy HallCongratulations to Southwest President Tracy D. Hall, who made this year’s Memphis Busines Journal (MBJ) Power 100 list for the third consecutive time. Hall received her award during the Power 100 award ceremony Jan. 26, 2023 at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis. Her recognition was publicly announced Feb. 9 in the MBJ.

The Power 100 profiles Memphis’ most influential leaders in a wide range of industries who are transformational agents in their communities and places of business. MBJ’s editorial team meticulously vets the list each year to decide who are the 100 most powerful people in Memphis business and in the community. MBJ defines the term “power” as someone at the top making decisions to a single act that has enormous consequences.

Hall talked to the MBJ previsously about the importance of taking action. “A lot of the time, when we talk about challenges, we act as though we can’t do anything about them,” she said. “If education is a priority, we show it.” 

According to the MBJ, Hall has shown a capacity to take decisive action on several of the college's challenges: "Under her leadership, the school has navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic, made its enrollment process more accessible, and increased the economic and social mobility opportunities for students. It also earned Achieving the Dream Leader College status in 2019 and the Bellwether Award for Planning, Governance, and Finance in 2021. Hall is a board member of the Memphis Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.” 

Congratulations, Dr. Hall, on this esteemed recognition!