Southwest Professor Dr. Marcia Hunter debuts book on fulfilling one’s dreams

By Chris Caldwell 

By Chris Caldwell  Congratulations to Psychology Professor Dr. Marcia Hunter on the release of her book, Dream Achievement: The 6-Step Plan to an Inspired Life and Meaningful Success. Hunter earned her Master of Science in counseling psychology from Alabama A&M University in 1981, an Ed.S. in curriculum and instructional technology from the University of Memphis in 1986, and an Ed.D. in instruction and leadership from the University of Memphis in 2011. With 30-plus years in college classrooms, Hunter uses her experiences to help individuals "Dream big and act boldly."      "My students inspired much of my motivation to write this book. Through my years of teaching, many of my students asked me why don't I write a book," Hunter said. "This book answers their request to fulfill one of my dreams. In my class, I frequently share personal and everyday life stories to help students connect psychology concepts to their personal lives. Each chapter of this book has everyday life stories that connect the readers to the concepts discussed." Hunter began her teaching career at Southwest in June 1991. She credits her ability to work with others and her passion for teaching, training and counseling others as one of her greatest strengths. "Being at Southwest has motivated me to be an independent, critical thinker. Critical thinking is important to student performance," she said. "I push my students to think critically and not judge others unfairly; I push myself to do the same." Hunter said she tries to instill the same philosophy in her students. “I encourage them to dream big and use manageable steps to accomplish their dreams." Dream Achievement is now available on Amazon.
Psychology Professor Dr. Marcia Hunter

Congratulations to Southwest Tennesee Community College Psychology Professor Dr. Marcia Hunter on the release of her book, Dream Achievement: The 6-Step Plan to an Inspired Life and Meaningful Success.

Hunter earned her Master of Science in counseling psychology from Alabama A&M University in 1981, an Ed.S. in curriculum and instructional technology from the University of Memphis in 1986, and an Ed.D. in instruction and leadership from the University of Memphis in 2011. With 30-plus years in college classrooms, Hunter uses her experiences to help individuals "Dream big and act boldly."

Dream Achievement: The 6-Step Plan to an Inspired Life and Meaningful Success"My students inspired much of my motivation to write this book. Through my years of teaching, many of my students asked me about writing a book," Hunter said. "This book answers their request to fulfill one of my dreams. In my class, I frequently share personal and everyday life stories to help students connect psychology concepts to their personal lives. Each chapter of this book has everyday life stories that connect the readers to the concepts discussed."

Hunter began her teaching career at Southwest in June 1991. She credits her ability to work with others and her passion for teaching, training and counseling others as one of her greatest strengths.

"Being at Southwest has motivated me to be an independent critical thinker. Critical thinking is important to student performance," she said. "I push my students to think critically and not judge others unfairly; I push myself to do the same." 

Hunter said she tries to instill the same philosophy in her students. “I encourage them to dream big and use manageable steps to accomplish their dreams."

Dream Achievement is available for purchase on Amazon.